Our Team

Our great work is powered by our dedicated people – Trustees, volunteers, skilled staff, and supporters. Their drive and commitment to improving lives enable us to achieve impactful results and bring sustainable solutions to life.

Our Trustee Board

Our strong Board of Trustees is essential to our work, bringing considerable expertise from diverse backgrounds, including criminal justice, local government, corporate, voluntary sectors, and academia. Their invaluable insights underpin everything we do, and they generously offer their time and knowledge to help inform our services. Some also contribute to individual Strategy Groups, providing even broader support to the charity.

Staff Team

Our team, both on-site and remote, works directly in service delivery and supports head office functions. Based in Buckinghamshire, they bring diverse skills and a shared commitment to building better futures for our service users. Meet our CEO, Service Delivery Managers, and our amazing staff who make a difference every day. Together, we strive to share best practices and work in partnership for positive impact.