Do you know how to spot the signs of Human Trafficking and Exploitation?

Do you know how to spot the signs of Human Trafficking and Exploitation?

Today, Wednesday 10th January marks National Human Trafficking Awareness Day which falls in Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The month is designed to highlight the thousands that are affected by Human Trafficking, to educate ourselves and those around us on human trafficking and how to recognise the signs of trafficking.

The National Crime Agency recently published their figures on referrals for Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking within the UK. The findings revealed that in the year ending December 2022, 7936 referrals were made for potential victims of exploitation that has taken place in the UK.

The Home Office predict that there are an estimated 10-13,000 potential victims of modern slavery in the UK, with many victims remaining unidentified and not being reported.

As an employer, what is my responsibility in identifying Modern Slavery?
In 2015, the Modern Slavery Act was introduced, and Section 52 of this act places a duty on designated First Responder agencies.  These agencies include police and local authorities and places a responsibility on them to identify, report and support potential victims.

At Hope After Harm, we offer two tailored training packages on identifying Modern Slavery Training. Our packages include:

  • A high-level training session for frontline staff in local authorities and those in First Responder agencies who have a duty to identify, report and support victims. This includes safeguarding, exploitation and modern slavery leads, the training will cover:
    • The role of the First Responder
    • What is the NRM
    • The process and each stage of the NRM
    • The support offered through the NRM
    • Challenges currently being faced when making a referral
    • How to complete a referral
  • A more general training package aimed at increasing overall awareness (equipping those who may come into contact with potential victims in the course of their work with the knowledge of what to look for and how to respond accordingly).

Reporting modern slavery

Do you know how to spot signs of Modern Slavery? The National Crime Agency have created this short video to help others spot the signs of this truly awful crime. You can view the video here.

Slavery may be closer to you than you think. There could be victims of exploitation working in domestic servitude or forced labour on your street.

If you suspect modern slavery, report it to the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700 or the police on 101. In an emergency always call 999. Don’t leave it to someone else. Your information could save a life.

How can Hope After Harm support those impacted by Human Trafficking and Exploitation?
We provide specialist support to victims and witnesses of crime including sexual violence, and exploitation and our teams are all experienced at helping victims recovery from the impact of crime.

If you wish to make a referral please forward a completed VFSS Referral Form to the email/postal address as shown on the form which is available here

Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak to us first regarding a possible referral, or just to find out more about how we can support, please contact the team on 01844 487987.

2024-01-08T15:29:23+00:008 January 2024|Other News|

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