Thames Valley Sexual Violence Service
Commissioned by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Thames Valley, our Sexual Violence Service offers a safe and confidential space for those affected by sexual violence and abuse. We provide specialist one-to-one support, information and advice to those going through the criminal justice system, advocacy and can also help with onward referrals to other beneficial services. We also provide both informal and structured group work to those accessing our services, more information on these can be accessed by speaking to a member of the team.
Regardless of whether the victim survivor has chosen to report the crime or not, our experienced Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and Sexual Violence Caseworkers are available help, with empathy and complete confidentiality – assessing each service user’s unique needs and providing personalised support during their recovery from the impact of the trauma they have experienced.
Outreach & Inclusion Project
We are commissioned to deliver the Outreach Service across the Thames Valley area, which includes raising awareness of sexual violence, attending drop ins, community events and offering workshops. In addition, the project provides specialist Independent Sexual Violence Advisor support to those within diverse communities across the Thames Valley area. Similar to that of our Sexual Violence Service, we assess each individual’s needs and then provide a tailored support plan, whether or not the crime has been reported the police. Users can then expect one to one specialist support and access to our wider group work provision.
We recognise the additional challenges and barriers that some may experience when needing to access support services and the Outreach & Inclusion project aims to bridge that gap, empowering victims/survivors to access the services they need in order to support them in their recovery from sexual violence and abuse.
If you are an organisation and would like to partner with us in providing accessible drop ins and events within your community or would like to invite us to offer a workshop to your team or service users then please get in touch with one of our Outreach & Inclusion Workers.
Independent Domestic/Sexual Violence Advisor – Thames Valley Police
Commissioned by Thames Valley Police to provide independent specialist support to police employees who have experienced domestic abuse and/or sexual violence. We understand the added complexity of being a victim/survivor of domestic abuse and/or sexual violence when working for the police and so we aim to offer tailored support to meet your unique needs. This service can be accessed completely independently from Thames Valley Police, regardless of whether you have reported the crime to the police or not, and you will be supported confidentially. Our IDSVA can support you with a range of practical, emotional and advocacy needs, including support through both civil and criminal proceedings.
To access this service you can contact us in complete confidence either by calling our office on 01844 487987 or by emailing and requesting a call back.
With our support, victims survivors are not alone on their journey – we’re here with warmth, compassion, and a commitment to helping them recover.
Making a Referral to one of our Victim Services
If you have experienced sexual violence or abuse and wish to access support :please contact us through Victims First Hub or call Tel. 0300 1234 148, you will receive an initial needs assessment to ensure we are the right service for you.
If you are an agency wishing to refer a client to our service: please make your Referral through the Victims First Hub or contact them on Tel. 0300 1234 148.
If you are a SARC seeking support for one of your clients: please contact us directly using our secure email or call one of our team Mon – Fri during office hours on Tel. 01844 487987.
If you are an employee of Thames Valley Police wishing to make a self referral : please contact our office on 01844 487987 or email requesting a call back.
For all other general enquiries please email us on