D’s Journey

D was with us for the entirety of 2024. Referred due to severe depression, suicidal statements and his extreme anger. His anger being at the core of many fights with siblings, peers and teachers. His outbursts led to numerous suspensions, serious harm and the breakdown of many relationships/friendships. He is the bus driver’s nemesis, the fuel to most flames at school yet a soft soul. He doesn’t take accountability for his own transgressions and overreacts disproportionately to the slightest perceived wrongdoing of others.

It took an exceptionally long time to get to a point where D actively addressed his anger. He has now embraced mindfulness through breathing techniques, artistically expressing his anger and meditating.

The greatest outcome of the program is that D has developed a good level of consequential thinking, being able to pause when there is conflict with the understanding that his actions have repercussions. Over the course of 2024 D has gone from strength to strength academically (likely due to far less suspensions and isolations), within his peer group (he formed a WhatsApp group for friends at school to discuss their mental health and support each other)

The most heart-warming element of mentoring D has been his regular expression of gratitude. He often thanks the mentor for discussing topics which he believes to be outside the remit of self-development such as gaming, friends and hopes for the future.

Y’s Journey

Y fled from a northern African Country along with his mother due to serious domestic violence. They relocated in Thames Valley with support coming from various statutory agencies and ourselves. His school referred him due to him suffering from severe PTSD, having conflicts with students and teachers, as well as due to him struggling to adapt to a new environment.

An extremely intelligent young man with strong interpersonal skills Y has flourished with mentoring support. From his first session he has been open about his mental health challenges, insomnia and challenging relationships with adults, often challenging authority.

Through discussing his challenges in one-to one interventions he has identified what he wants from life and put his plan into action. There isn’t a single element within his personal life that hasn’t improved. He has stronger relationships with his mother, peers and teachers. His academic performance has improved exponentially and he has been moved to a high-performance class. Despite severe anxiety and the odd down day when he feels life can lack meaning, he feels life is good and he is optimistic for the future. He proudly stated that his sleep is improving, PTSD is of little concern and copes easily with life’s daily challenges. Now his greatest challenge is his newly acquired girlfriend and algebra.

Y says that the greatest part of the programme is that it’s the first time he feels he has truly been listened to and treated as an equal. He feels he can’t even challenge his teachers or peers respectively without there being serious consequences but New Leaf has given him that space and a sense of true freedom.