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So far Bron has created 30 blog entries.

Hope After Harm to deliver new Sexual Violence Support Service across the Thames Valley

Today, on Thursday 25th January we are pleased to announce that as of 1st April 2024, we will be delivering a new Sexual Violence Service working with Victim Support. The [...]

2024-01-25T15:20:48+00:0025 January 2024|Other News|

Tickets now on sale for our Thames Valley Criminal Justice Charity Awards Dinner

Join us for an unforgettable evening at the Oxfordshire Golf Hotel & Spa on Friday 22nd March 2024 from 18:45 GMT. The Thames Valley Criminal Justice Charity Awards and dinner is a prestigious event celebrating [...]

2024-01-23T16:57:23+00:0023 January 2024|Other News|

Do you know how to spot the signs of Human Trafficking and Exploitation?

Today, Wednesday 10th January marks National Human Trafficking Awareness Day which falls in Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The month is designed to highlight the thousands that are affected by Human [...]

2024-01-08T15:29:23+00:008 January 2024|Other News|

Thames Valley Partnership to step away from the Gloucestershire Mentoring Programme

From January 2023, the Thames Valley Partnership will be stepping away from the Gloucestershire Mentoring Programme to allow the organisation to focus on our other projects. As a charity, the [...]

2023-12-01T11:50:27+00:006 October 2023|Other News|

Thames Valley Partnership to provide support to victims of crime at Reading Festival

Thames Valley Partnership, are sending a team of specialists to this years Reading Festival to provide on-site support for victims of crime. The charitie’s Victims First Specialist Support Service will [...]

2023-08-24T12:12:21+01:0024 August 2023|Other News|

Nominations are now open for the 2023 Thames Valley Criminal Justice Charity Awards

Following the success of the first ever Thames Valley Criminal Justice Charity Awards evening in October 2022, we are thrilled to announce the nominations for our next awards evening are [...]

2023-08-01T12:08:06+01:001 August 2023|Other News|

TVP Volunteer awarded at High Sheriff of Oxfordshire’s Awards 2022/2023

Earlier this year, John Liversidge a Volunteer with The Thames Valley Partnership was recognised and awarded by the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire at the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire’s Awards for [...]

2023-07-14T11:03:09+01:0011 July 2023|Other News|
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